Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Isn't this supposed to be over?

I enjoyed using Flickr and some of it's mash ups. Finding new blogs that I think will provide me with good information that will keep me on my toes about what is new in technology and learning. The RSS feeds were definitely helpful with the blogs and news sites I like to keep up with. I can definitely see myself using the collaborating documents when I become a teacher so my students can work on projects together without having to get together if it isn't possible for one or more of them. And who doesn't love YouTube for finding fun quick videos that can help get students engaged in a new lesson? This program has definitely shown me how much is out there and that I have not been keeping up with all the new technological developments on the web. I know I will have to stay more up to date, so I don't fall behind and not know what my students are talking about. There are a couple things I will take away and be sure to use like Creative Commons, this experience has been more time than I have ever been in front of a computer and it will be nice to not have to stare at a computer screen all the time anymore.
I'm not sure where I will go from here with all of the information that I have learned. I'm still processing so much of it that I;m not sure I will realize how much it has effected me for a while. I may end up maintaining this blog for personal/professional reasons, although I will not be posting nearly as much as this class has required me to do in such a short amount of time. I guess it's all a matter of how I feel about this once I've been able to take a break and it's not a required assignment. Who know where it could take me...

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