Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Thing #1, Learning Habits

This is my first blog. It feels a little strange to be creating it for a college course, but maybe it is something I could use through the rest of school and when I begin teaching. I'm sure that I will learn more throughout this process.
The 7 1/2 habits for life long learning are simple in the way that they are listed. If I don't think about myself and the struggles that I have with learning than they appear straight forward and easy. But beginning to look at them as things that I must do to be successful in school makes some of them more difficult. I'm not a very big fan of technology and have always had difficulty using most new technologies. Whenever I've had a problem with technology I always had a friend to call who could fix it for me. Since moving to Tennessee, I no longer have anyone who can solve my technology problems and have been learning little by little about technology. It's a slow process for me, but I know that I can't give up and that I must do what I can to become more proficient in all the up and coming technology. The other habit for lifelong learning that gives me an unsettled feeling is creating my own learning toolbox. How am I supposed to know what I will need; what is supposed to be in a learning toolbox; is there anyone who can tell me; is it one more thing that I will have to keep track of; or have I already started creating a learning toolbox and I wasn't even aware? This shakes my confidence in myself, but I hold onto the accomplishments that I have made and know that I can push through anything.
I like to set short-term and long-term goals for myself with school; it allows me to keep in focus what all of my hard work is for. My goals coincide with the responsibility I take for my schooling and the confidence I have in myself. I've learned so much from my college experiences and know that to get where I want to be in life I needed to realize that I must be responsible for my decisions and not accept defeat. All problems have a solution, they might be difficult to find but perseverance can get me through whatever comes my way.
I think that I will keep the list of 7 1/2 lifelong learning habits as a simple reminder on how to keep my focus and to have fun at my work as well.

1 comment:

  1. Shanna, there were so many things on which I could comment, but I REALLY like your statement in which you said "I must be responsible for my decisions" as that is sorely lacking in society today. Too many times, people have an excuse or try and blame someone else for all their problems and shortcomings. As a teacher, being able to instill a sense of personal responsibility in your students will benefit them as much as any mastery of subject matter. Great blog post!
