Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thing#4, Are comments just polite or essential to blogging?

Comments are important to the individual blogger and the blogosphere overall. Without comments than all blogs are is a public diary of ones thoughts and ideas. Comments can reinforce why a person chooses to write a blog, give the blogger new ideas, creative criticism, and much more. The sense of community that is created through blogging and comments reenforces peoples need for conversation and debate. Even if the comments agree with the blog post, than the blogger can feel like others understand them or that they have positively affected other people with their writing. Criticism of a blog posts allows room for growth and even if the blogger doesn't change their opinion, it is always good to be aware of both sides of an issue or idea. Being well informed is the greatest asset anyone can have.
I really enjoyed reading about the "Darth Commenter" in the Cool Cat Teacher blog. I have read several friends blogs and they almost always have at least one mean person who is extremely critical of everything. I agree with what she was saying, there is always someone who will be derogatory and sometimes vicious in their responses to people's posts. I also liked that she was warning new bloggers to be aware of these kinds of people and to not get discouraged. This kind of reassuring advice to new bloggers is kind of her and emphasizes the sense of community that bloggers should try to embody.
In the Blue Skunk Blog, Your Comments?, he also discusses how important it is to be nice to bloggers and how important it is to comment. His honesty in why most people blog I believe is accurate, that most people truly want some kind of response that what they are saying is being read. As well as that there should be an etiquette that is followed when commenting. So many people hide behind their computer screen and think that gives them a right to say anything they want regardless of anyone else's feelings. I believe that people should follow the same idea I was taught in Kindergarten, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Even if you disagree with what someone has said you can still be nice about the way you present your disagreement to them.

The blogs that I commented on from my group:
Kaytlyn Wright Thing #7
Sydney Saunders Thing #3
Charles Irwin Thing #1
Olivia Voie Thing #10
Jon Phillips Thing #2 

Other blogs that I commented on:
Pinterest Boards for US History 
Colonial Williamsburg 


1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you put blogs without comments, they are essence just a diary. I often wonder what people think when they read a blog and do not post. Do they agree, disagree? I also like that you included that not all commenter's are nice. It makes me think though, that if they did not give harsh critics then where would the blogger go, the need for other perspectives gives the blog diversity and depth.
